Editions on Foundation offer a unique way for collectors to acquire editions of a single NFT artwork. These types of collections are available for minting for up to 7 days for Timed Editions, or until the max token supply is reached for Limited Editions.

When a Timed Edition ends or when a Limited Edition mints out, minting is forever closed. This creates valuable exclusivity for collectors.

When you’re ready to create your edition, you’ll just need to connect your wallet before getting started.


Create an Editions contract

The create modal is your hub for creating new projects on Foundation and provides step-by-step guides through each creation process. To get started with your new edition smart contract, click the “Create” button that appears in the upper right hand corner of every page and click “Editions” in the sidebar.

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There are three important components of launching your Editions smart contract.

Edition Name: The title and top-level identity of your edition and its tokens.

Edition Symbol: A shorthand symbol that acts as a token name on the blockchain for the edition’s tokens.

Chain: You have the choice between Ethereum and Base. Base, an L2 chain, has lighter gas fees on creators and collectors. Learn more about L2.

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Take great care when choosing your edition’s name and symbol - these details will be saved on-chain and cannot be changed once your edition’s smart contract is created.


Share earnings with Splits

Splits allow you to share edition earnings with up to 4 recipients or collaborators. You can set a share percentage for each participant which determines how much each individual will earn on primary and secondary sales.

Follow these four steps to split earnings on your edition:

  • Toggle the “Create a split”
  • Enter the wallet addresses or Foundation usernames for the split recipients - up to 4 wallets total.
  • Set each recipient’s share percentage to add up to 100%.
  • Click “Continue” to move forward with creating your edition.

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Click “Continue” to move forward with creating your edition.

It’s important to verify the wallets and split percentages, this information cannot be changed in any way once you’ve deployed your Editions contract. Any changes will require self-destructing the edition and creating it again.


Upload your artwork

Now you’re ready to upload the asset for the NFTs that’ll be minted from your Editions collection.

We currently support JPG, PNG, GIF, MP4, and MOV files for this type of collection.

NFT assets uploaded to Foundation are hosted on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), a peer-to-peer system that stores data in a distributed way. 

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With your edition NFT asset in place, it’s time to add the description - this is your opportunity to share context around your artwork and further connect with your community. The description can be up to 500 characters - if you’d like to add links or other formatting, you can use markdown syntax. The description will be uploaded to IPFS with the artwork.


Again, you’ll want to double check these details as you move along through these steps - they’ll be recorded on-chain when your Editions collection is created, and cannot be changed later. If you happen to make a mistake, you’ll need to self-destruct the Edition collection and start again.


Select a sale method

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Limited Edition: Limited number of mints that runs until minted out.

For Limited Editions, select Limited Edition and then Continue.

Timed Edition: Unlimited number of mints within a set time period.

For Timed Editions, select Timed Edition and then Continue.


Setup your Limited Edition sale

If you’ve chosen the Limited Edition sale method, it’s now time to enter the following sale information:

  • the price per edition NFT
  • the quantity of NFTs available
  • the max quantity of mints per wallet 
  • the minting/sale start time of your edition collection
  • launching with a curator  

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You can choose to open minting on your limited edition immediately or at a later time. Minting will be open until the max token supply is reached, after which time, minting will be closed.

Once you’ve set these details, they cannot be changed once your edition has been deployed.


Setup your Timed Edition sale

If you’ve chosen the Timed Edition sale method, it's now time to enter the following sale information:

  • the price per edition NFT
  • the sale duration up to 7 days
  • the max quantity of mints per wallet 
  • the minting/sale start time of your edition collection
  • launching with a curator

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You can choose to open minting on your edition immediately or at a later time. Minting can be open for up to 7 days from the time it starts, after which time, minting will be closed, and the total number of tokens minted in your Editions collection will remain as-is forever.

Once you’ve set these details, they cannot be changed once your edition has been deployed.


Launch your edition in an exhibition

If you’ve been invited as a seller in an exhibition, you can launch your Timed or Limited Edition in an exhibition. You can only select an exhibition for your edition when you’re creating your edition. Once an edition is added to an exhibition, the curator will collect a percentage of the price each time when an NFT is minted from your edition. This curator fee does not apply to secondary sales of your edition.

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To launch your edition in an exhibition, simply toggle the “Launch with a curator” setting and select the desired exhibition from the dropdown.

Keep in mind that the connection to the selected exhibition cannot be changed after the edition contract is deployed. Self-destructing an edition removes it from the exhibition.


Deploy your Editions contract

It’s time to review all the content and settings you’ve entered and deploy your Editions contract on-chain. You’ll want to double-check these details as they’ll be recorded on-chain when your Editions collection is created and cannot be changed later. If you happen to make a mistake, you’ll need to self-destruct the Edition collection and start again.

To deploy your edition contract, follow these steps.

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  1. Closely review all aspects of your Editions collection to confirm everything is correct.
  2. Click “Confirm onchain” to confirm the transaction in your wallet and pay the required gas fees to complete the transaction. Gas fees are the cost of interacting with the blockchain. Gas fees are not set or collected by Foundation.

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Your edition contract is now deployed and ready for minting at your desired start time. The success and confirmation screen will vary depending on your set start time.

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If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help!

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