Import a Generative Series from Highlight

Foundation now supports importing Hightlight’s Limited and Open generative series for code-based generative art on Ethereum and Base.

At this time, the series must be imported to a gallery and is therefore only supported for creators who are allowlisted in a gallery or exhibition or own a gallery.


Create your generative series on Highlight

If you haven’t already, create a generative series on Highlight

To import your generative series, it’ll need to be within these guidelines:

  • Either Limited generative series (Fixed price or Dutch auction sale type) or Open generative series (For fixed price sale type only).
  • Direct Minting enabled.
  • Deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet or Base Mainnet.
  • Minted-out generative series can’t be imported.
  • Please note that the preferred preview image resolution aspect ratio is 1200px x 700px.

When you enter a collection name on Highlight, that will be the name of your generative series. Before you deploy to mainnet, we suggest deploying to testnet before officially deploying to mainnet.

Once your generative series is deployed correctly, return here to import your contract.

Click the Create button, select Highlight, click Import +, and sign to continue. Foundation uses this signature to verify that you own this Ethereum address.

01 Create modal.jpg

Choose the chain that your contract is deployed on.

Copy and paste your generative series contract address from your contract’s manage page on Highlight and click Continue.

Import a Generative Series from Highlight.jpg

Add your drop to a gallery or exhibition. You can only import Highlight generative series to a gallery or exhibition. Contracts deployed on Base can only be added to a Base gallery or Exhibition and contracts deployed on Ethereum can only be added to a gallery or exhibition created on Ethereum.

Import a Generative Series from Highlight-2.jpg

You will be asked to let Foundation update the payout address when you import your generative series to a gallery. This is so the curator can get paid for the mints of the drop. A unique Splits address will be used to get both you and the curator paid.

04 Add to world.jpg

Continue, click Save onchain, and pay gas to confirm the transaction.

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Your Highlight generative series is now imported! You can now view your drop on your profile and in the gallery.


Design your generative series

Once your generative series is imported to Foundation, you can customize the description, logo, and cover image.

Curators can also add your generative series to an exhibition or spotlight it on their gallery's homepage.

06 Featured.jpg

Curators will also get dashboard notifications and insights like page views and sales volume for the series.


To learn more about Highlight’s generative series on Foundation, check out this FAQ.


If you have any questions, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to help!

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The easiest way to get support from our team is to get in touch with us.

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